It's also open source, so if you think you can improve on it or want … with the s key - but on releasing the key I fire my gun. When I typed "I can't setup the controls on keyboard" I didn't thought " I can't access to plugin / I can't save my previously changed controls. I need it for the first person view of course and its a pain right now trying to shoot some of bad guys without it. This isn't the fault of my layout, but the fault of the Xbox 360 controller's lack of pressure sensitive buttons. Thanks to the mod from MGS V's, I managed to play the game with great graphics I would like to play it with a gamepad. Metal Gear Games Have Been Rated For PC In Taiwan Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance could be coming back to PC in new ports from Konami. Aside from the numerous bug fixes found within the PC port, you can now also adjust the resolution of the game from within the mod’s launcher, tinker around with different graphical settings, adjust sound quality, add controller support (360/One and PS4) and more. Clearly the new controls are much better but many are still blinded by nostalgia and ideas that the new controls would ruin the games. Check out these 18 minutes of lovely 1440P/60FPS gameplay footage. As for the katana stab and corner strafing, I didn't really pay attention to those when I made this as I never really used them.

A Reddit user by the name of VFansss has made a simple program to update the old, crappy PC port of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. Open ‘MGS2SSetup.exe’ and don’t touch it until you come across a screen that looks like this: 6.